The Intermediate Course: Continuing Pianistic Growth and Development
This course is designed to introduce important concepts and material related to the teaching of intermediate students playing at approximately Levels 3-7.
Video: Navigating the Course
Module Contents
Introductory Video (with transcript): "Course Welcome and Introduction" with Jane Magrath and Pamela Pike
Course Syllabus
FREE PREVIEWWelcome Survey
Video Demonstration 1: Lesson Segment with Marvin Blickenstaff
Reading: "The Challenges and Joys of Intermediate Teaching" by Jeanine Jacobson
Video Demonstration 2: Lesson Segment with Aubrey Faith-Slaker
Reflection Activities
Module Resources
Module Contents
Motivation and Learning - Reading: "Learning Theories for Piano Teachers" by Pamela Pike
Motivation and Learning - Video (with transcript): "Motivation and Cognition" with Pamela Pike
Motivation and Learning - Handout: "Motivation and Cognition" by Pamela Pike (PDF)
Curriculum and Assessment - Reading 1: "Fresh Impressions: The Interview Process" by Rebecca Pennington
Curriculum and Assessment - Reading 2: "Developing a Curriculum for the Intermediate Transfer Student" by Jane Magrath
Curriculum and Assessment - Reading 3: "Teaching the Transfer Student" by Elvina Pearce
Reflection Activities
Module Resources
Module Contents
Reading 1: "Planning the Lesson Assignment" by Frances Clark
Reading 2: "Activities for Concept Preparation" by Craig Sale
Reading 3: "Assigning a New Piece" by Frances Clark
Reading 4: "Before Practice Begins" by Frances Clark
Video 1 (with transcript): "Presentation of Repertoire" with Craig Sale
Reading 5: "Presenting a New Piece in a Limited Amount of Time" by Frances Clark
Video 2 (with transcript): "Presentation of Kabalevsky Toccatina" with Elvina Pearce
Reflection Activities
Module Resources
Module Contents
Foundational Technique - Video 1 (with transcript): "The Challenge of Teaching Technique" with Craig Sale
Foundational Technique - Reading 1: "Motivating Students to Practice Technique" by Jed A. Galant
Foundational Technique - Reading 2: "Technique—Tips for Teaching and Practicing" by Elvina Pearce
Warm-ups - Video 1 (with transcript): "Five-Finger Patterns" with Marvin Blickenstaff
Warm-ups Video 2 (with transcript): "Warm-ups and Rotation" with Marvin Blickenstaff
Scales - Reading: "Aspects of Teaching Scales" by Frances Clark
Scales - Video 1 (with transcript): "Major Scale Fingerings: Sameness and Difference" with Craig Sale
Scales - Video 2 (with transcript): "Scales, Part I" with Marvin Blickenstaff
Scales - Video 3 (with transcript): "Scales, Part II" with Marvin Blickenstaff
Scales - Video 4 (with transcript): "Teaching Scales" with Sara Ernst
Arpeggios - Reading: "Teaching Arpeggios" by Frances Clark
Arpeggios - Video 1 (with transcript): "Arpeggio Fingering" with Marvin Blickenstaff
Arpeggios - Video 2 (with transcript): "Teaching Arpeggios" with Sara Ernst
Chords - Reading: "Teaching Chords" by Frances Clark
Chords - Video (with transcript): "Teaching Chords" with Marvin Blickenstaff
Exercises and Etudes - Reading 1: "Other Technical Issues" by Frances Clark
Exercises and Etudes - Video (with transcript): "Finger Independence" with Marvin Blickenstaff
Exercises and Etudes - Reading 2: "What is the Role of 'Etudes' in a Pianist's Development? Which Ones Do You Use and When?" by Nancy Bachus, Seymour Fink, and Marilyn Neeley
Reflection Activities
Module Resources
Module Contents
Musicality - Reading: "Finding Musical Messages in a Piece of Music – Kabalevsky Novelette, Op. 27, No. 14" by Joyce Cameron and Janis Combs
Music Reading and Sight Reading - Reading 1: "Comments on Music Reading" by Richard Chronister
Music Reading and Sight Reading - Reading 2: "Sight Reading for All Students" by Susanne Baker
Music Reading and Sight Reading - Reading 3: "How Do You Teach Students to Read Who Already Play By Ear?" by Dennis Alexander
Rhythm and Pulse - Video 1 (with transcript): "Questions and Answers" with Trevor Thornton, Andrea McAlister, Craig Sale, and Scott Donald
Rhythm and Pulse - Reading 1: "Rhythmic Security in Student Performances" by Frances Clark
Rhythm and Pulse - Video 2 (with transcript): "Internalizing Rhythm" with Marvin Blickenstaff and Jane Magrath
Rhythm and Pulse - Video 3 (with transcript): "Feeling the Pulse in a New Piece" with Ivan Hurd
Rhythm and Pulse - Video 4 (with transcript): "Discovering Appropriate Tempo" with Susanne Baker
Rhythm and Pulse - Reading 2: "How Do You Teach Fluent Rhythm Reading?" by Connie Arrau Sturm
Reflection Activities
Module Resources
Module Contents
Music Theory and Ear Training - Reading 1: "Questions and Answers on the Basics of Teaching Music Theory" by Frances Clark
Music Theory and Ear Training - Reading 2: "Relating Music Theory to Students' Repertoire" by Ann Milliman Gipson
Music Theory and Ear Training - Reading 3: "Apps for Teaching: Acing Theory Tests without Theory Books" by Leila Viss
Music Theory and Ear Training - Video 1 (with transcript): "Identifying Chords in a New Piece" with Ivan Hurd
Music Theory and Ear Training - Reading 4: "Ear Training Questions and Answers" by Frances Clark
Music Theory and Ear Training - Video 2 (with transcript): "Ear Training - Chord Identification" with Angela Triandafillou
Music Theory and Ear Training - Video 3 (with transcript): "Rhythmic Ear Training - Clapbacks" with Angela Triandafillou
Harmonization and Chord Progressions - Video 1 (with transcript): "Harmonization for the Intermediate Student" with John Patrick Murphy
Harmonization and Chord Progressions - Video 2 (with handout): "Demonstration of Harmonization Patterns" with John Patrick Murphy
Harmonization and Chord Progressions - Video 3 (with transcript): "Chord Progressions for the Intermediate Student" with John Patrick Murphy
Harmonization and Chord Progressions - Video 4 (with handout): "Demonstration of Chord Progressions" with John Patrick Murphy
Harmonization and Chord Progressions Handout - Resources and References compiled by John Patrick Murphy
Harmonization and Chord Progressions - Reading: "Going Further with Lead Sheets" by Bradley Sowash
Composition and Improvisation - Reading 1: "Teaching Composition to Intermediate Students" by Elvina Pearce
Composition and Improvisation - Reading 2: "Training Healthy Brains: Benefits of Using Improvisation in Music Lessons" by Olivia Hancock
Composition and Improvisation - Reading 3: "The Flavors and Style of Chords" by Forrest Kinney
Composition and Improvisation - Reading 4: "Understanding Chord Symbols" by Bradley Sowash
Composition and Improvisation - Reading 5: "Finding the Time to Be Creative" by Leila Viss
Composition and Improvisation - Reading 6: "Behind the Music: Finding a Common Theme in Creative Composition and Performance" by Michael Rushing and Benjamin Williams
Composition and Improvisation - Reading 7: "Improvisation: The Classical Way" by Alexander Kato Willis
Composition and Improvisation - Reading 8: "Create to Motivate: Using Repertoire to Incorporate Creativity in Lessons" by Chee-Hwa Tan
Reflection Activities
Module Resources
Module Contents
Leveling Chart for Standard Repertoire
Standard Classical Intermediate Piano Literature - Video 1 (with transcript): "Baroque Teaching Literature" with Jane Magrath
Standard Classical Intermediate Piano Literature - Video 2 (with transcript): "Classical Teaching Literature" with Jane Magrath
Standard Classical Intermediate Piano Literature - Video 3 (with transcript): "Romantic Teaching Literature" with Jane Magrath
Reflection Activity
Module Resources
Module Contents
Standard Classical Intermediate Piano Literature - Video 1 (with transcript): "Contemporary Literature 1900-1950" with Jane Magrath
Standard Classical Intermediate Piano Literature - Video 2 (with transcript): "Contemporary Literature 1950 - Present" with Jane Magrath
Reflection Activity
Developing Style - Reading: "Using Recordings to Develop Style and Stimulate Listening" by Mary Jane Clarke
Module Resources
Module Contents
Video 1: Composer Vignettes - Dennis Alexander
Video 2: Composer Vignettes - Carol Matz
Video 3: Composer Vignettes - Christopher Norton
Video 4: Composer Vignettes - Catherine Rollin
Video 5: Composer Vignettes - Wynn-Anne Rossi
Video 6: Composer Vignettes - Chee-Hwa Tan
Slide Presentation (downloadable PDF): From the Composer’s Pen
Educational Composers - Project Sheet
Handout: Educational Composer Vignettes (recommended collections and solos)
Module Resources
Module Contents
Repertoire Maintenance and Practice Techniques - Video 1 (with transcript): "Boiling It Down - Musical Performance" with Craig Sale
Repertoire Maintenance and Practice Techniques - Reading 1: "Behind Closed Doors: What Our Pre-College Students Really Do During Practice . . . And How We Can Empower Them to Improve!" by Pamela Pike
Repertoire Maintenance and Practice Techniques - Reading 2: "Time Spent vs. Mind Spent" by Elvina Pearce
Repertoire Maintenance and Practice Techniques - Reading 3: "Practicing Alongside Our Intermediate Students" by Sara Ernst
Repertoire Maintenance and Practice Techniques - Video 2 (with transcript): "Teaching Students to Practice" with Marvin Blickenstaff and Jane Magrath
Repertoire Maintenance and Practice Techniques - Video 3 (with transcript): "Teaching Students to Practice" with Susanne Baker
Practicing Reinforced - Reading 1: "A 'Practice Toolbox' for Students" by Steve Rosenfeld
Practicing Reinforced - Reading 2: " A Teachers' Roundtable on Solutions to Common Practice Problems" by Elvina Pearce, Editor
Practicing Reinforced - Reading 3: "What to Do about Fingering Issues?" by Elvina Pearce
Practicing Reinforced - Reading 4: "Plateaus in Learning" by Frances Clark
Working out a Piece - Video 1 (with transcript): "Coaching Phrasing" with Marvin Blickenstaff and Jane Magrath
Working out a Piece - Video 2 (with transcript): "Identifying Errors, Part 1" with Susanne Baker
Working out a Piece - Video 3 (with transcript): "Identifying Errors, Part 2" with Susanne Baker
Working out a Piece - Video 4 (with transcript): "Identifying Errors, Part 3" with Susanne Baker
Working out a Piece - Video 5 (with transcript): "Developing Artistry and Ownership" with Marvin Blickenstaff
Reflection Activities
Module Resources
Module Contents
Guiding Students to Successful Performance - Video (with transcript): "Memorization" with Craig Sale
Teaching Students to Memorize - Reading 1: "Fundamentals of Memory" by John Ford
Teaching Students to Memorize - Reading 2: "A Choice to Be Made" by Stewart Gordon
Reflection Activities
Module Resources
Module Contents
Developing Diagnostic Skills and Coaching - Video (with transcript): "Developing Diagnostic Skills" with Craig Sale
Inspiring Artistry - Video (with transcript): "Inspiring Artistry Project Introduction" with Jane Magrath
Inspiring Artistry - Project Sheet
Performance Anxiety - Video (with transcript): "Performance Anxiety" with Craig Sale
Performance Anxiety - Reading 1: "Preparing the Mind and Body for Performance: Conquering Stage Fright through Effective Practice" by Allison Maerker Garner
Performance Anxiety - Reading 2: "Strategies for Successful Performances" by Gail Berenson
Performance Anxiety - Reading 3: "Convert Performance Anxiety into Performance Energy" by Julie Jaffee Nagel
Videos of Progressive Lesson Development - Video 1 (with transcript): "Lesson 1 - Student Plays Piece and Identifies Errors" with Susanne Baker
Videos of Progressive Lesson Development - Video 2 (with transcript): "Lesson 2 - Student Works on Selecting Tempo" with Susanne Baker
Videos of Progressive Lesson Development - Video 3 (with transcript): "Lesson 3 - Listening, Aural Discernment, Self-Coaching, Expressivity" with Susanne Baker
Videos of Progressive Lesson Development - Video 4 (with transcript): "Lesson 4 - Final Coaching, Review, and Performance" with Susanne Baker
Videos of Progressive Lesson Development - Video 5 (with transcript): "Lesson 1 - Identifying Chords" with Ivan Hurd
Videos of Progressive Lesson Development - Video 6 (with transcript): "Lesson 2 - Creating a Story to Develop Interpretation" with Ivan Hurd
Videos of Progressive Lesson Development - Video 7 (with transcript): "Lesson 3 - Reviewing and Refining" with Ivan Hurd
Videos of Progressive Lesson Development - Video 8: "Student Performance"
Reflection Activities
Module Resources
Module Contents
Video 1 (with transcript): "Perspectives on Teaching Going Forward" with Jane Magrath
Video 2 (with transcript): "Guiding Students to Successful Performance" with Craig Sale
Video 3 (with transcript): "Finding Inspiration in Teaching" with Marvin Blickenstaff
Reading 1: "In Praise of Ignorance: The Teacher as Student" by Robert Mayerovitch
Reading 2: "Further Insights" by Frances Clark
Videos of Our Students at their Best in Performance
Reflection Activities
Recommended Supplementary Reading: "The Many Faces of Music" by Marvin Blickenstaff
Module Resources
Exit Survey