Course curriculum

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    Navigating the Course

    • How to use this course

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    Welcome to A Pianist's Guide to Studio Management!

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    Module 1: Professional Goals

    • Module Contents

    • Video 1: "Professional Goals" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Professional Goals" with Deborah How

    • Handout: "Professional Goals" Powerpoint Slides (downloadable PDF)

    • Web Exploration and Reflection Assignment: Professional Goals

    • Web Exploration and Reflection Assignment: Professional Goals - PDF version

    • Video 2: "Financial Goals" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Financial Goals" with Deborah How

    • Reflection Assignment: Financial Goals (Excel)

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    Module 2: Income and Expenses

    • Module Contents

    • Video 1: "Income and Expenses" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Income and Expenses" with Deborah How

    • Reflection Assignment 1: Income and Expense Sheet (Excel)

    • Video 2: "Group Classes - An Interview with Deborah How" by Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Group Classes - An Interview with Deborah How" by Heather Smith

    • Video 3: "Income from Group Classes" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Income from Group Classes" with Heather Smith

    • Handout: "Income from Group Classes" Powerpoint Slides (downloadable PDF)

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Group Class Exploration

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Group Class Exploration - PDF version

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    Module 3: Record Keeping and Accounting

    • Module Contents

    • Video 1: "Four General Reminders" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Four General Reminders" with Heather Smith

    • Reflection Assignment 1: Accounting System Questionnaire

    • Reflection Assignment 1: Accounting System Questionnaire - PDF version

    • Video 2: "Accounting Systems" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Accounting Systems" with Heather Smith

    • Handout 1: "Record Keeping and Accounting" Powerpoint Slides (downloadable PDF)

    • Handout 2: Sample Piano Studio Profit and Loss (downloadable PDF)

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Review Different Accounting Systems

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Review Different Accounting Systems - PDF version

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    Module 4: Setting Tuition Rates and Budgeting

    • Module Contents

    • Video 1: "Setting Tuition Rates for Your Studio" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Setting Tuition Rates for Your Studio" with Heather Smith

    • Web Exploration Assignment 1: Setting Tuition Rates for Your Studio

    • Web Exploration Assignment 1: Setting Tuition Rates for Your Studio - PDF version

    • Video 2: "Raising Tuition Rates" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Raising Tuition Rates" with Heather Smith

    • Video 3: "Budgeting for Your Studio" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Budgeting for Your Studio" with Heather Smith

    • Handout: "Setting Tuition Rates and Budgeting" Powerpoint Slides (downloadable PDF)

    • Reflection Assignment 1: Budgeting for Your Studio (Excel)

    • Video 4: "Setting Tuition Rates for a Music School" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Setting Tuition Rates for a Music School" with Deborah How

    • Web Exploration Assignment 2: Setting Tuition Rates for Your Music School

    • Web Exploration Assignment 2: Setting Tuition Rates for Your Music School - PDF version

    • Video 5: "Budgeting for Your Music School" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Budgeting for Your Music School" with Deborah How

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Budgeting for Your Music School (Excel)

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    Module 5: Developing a Professional Studio

    • Module Contents

    • Video 1: "Scheduling Lessons" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Scheduling Lessons" with Heather Smith

    • Scheduling Lessons Activity: Utilizing Google Forms (PDF)

    • Reflection Assignment 1: Putting Together a Master Teaching Schedule

    • Reflection Assignment 1: Putting Together a Master Teaching Schedule - PDF version

    • Video 2: "Website Tour" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Website Tour" with Heather Smith

    • Web Exploration Assignment: Visit 10 Music Studio Websites

    • Web Exploration Assignment: Visit 10 Music Studio Websites - PDF version

    • Video 3: "Studio and Music Library Tour" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Studio and Music Library Tour" with Heather Smith

    • Video 4: "Studio and Music Library Tour" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Studio and Music Library Tour" with Deborah How

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Studio Wish List

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Studio Wish List - PDF version

    • Reflection Assignment 3: Music Library Review

    • Reflection Assignment 3: Music Library Review - PDF version

    • Video 5: "Music School Tour (Westside Music Conservatory)" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Music School Tour (Westside Music Conservatory)" with Deborah How

    • Video 6: "Website Tour (Westside Music Conservatory)" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Website Tour (Westside Music Conservatory)" with Deborah How

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    Module 6: Studio Policies

    • Module Contents

    • Video: "Studio Policies" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Studio Policies" with Deborah How

    • Handout: "Studio Policies" Powerpoint Slides

    • Web Exploration Assignment: Review 10 Studio Policies Online

    • Web Exploration Assignment: Review 10 Studio Policies Online - PDF version

    • Reflection Assignment: Draft a New Studio Policy

    • Reflection Activity: Draft a New Studio Policy - PDF version

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    Module 7: Taxes, Licenses, and Insurance

    • Module Contents

    • Video 1: "Business Tax Structures" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Business Tax Structures" with Heather Smith

    • Reflection Assignment 1: What Business Structure is Best for Your Studio?

    • Reflection Assignment 1: What Business Structure is Best for Your Studio? - PDF version

    • Video 2: "General Liability Insurance" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "General Liability Insurance" with Heather Smith

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Liability Insurance for Your Studio

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Liability Insurance for Your Studio - PDF version

    • Video 3: "Business Licenses and Permits" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Business Licenses and Permits" with Heather Smith

    • Handout: "Taxes, Licenses, and Insurance" Powerpoint Slides for Videos 1-3 (downloadable PDF)

    • Video 4: "Business Licenses - An Interview with Deborah How" by Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Business Licenses - An Interview with Deborah How" by Heather Smith

    • Reflection Activity 3: Business Licenses and Zoning Laws

    • Reflection Assignment 3: Business Licences and Zoning Laws - PDF version

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    Module 8: Marketing and Branding

    • Module Contents

    • Video: "Marketing and Branding" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Marketing and Branding" with Deborah How

    • Handout: "Marketing and Branding" Powerpoint Slides (downloadable PDF)

    • Web Exploration Assignment 1: Marketing Materials and Collateral

    • Web Exploration Assignment 1: Marketing Materials and Collateral - PDF version

    • Reflection Assignment 1: Create a List of Marketing Materials and Collateral

    • Reflection Assignment 1: Create a List of Marketing Materials and Collateral - PDF version

    • Web Exploration Assignment 2: Studio Names and Logos

    • Web Exploration Assignment 2: Studio Names and Logos - PDF version

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Studio Names and Logos

    • Reflection Assignment 2: Studio Names and Logos - PDF version

    • Web Explorations Assignment 3: Colors and Fonts

    • Web Exploration Assignment 3: Colors and Fonts - PDF version

    • Reflection Assignment 3: Colors and Fonts

    • Reflection Assignment 3: Colors and Fonts - PDF version

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    Module 9: Communication and Social Media

    • Module Contents

    • Video: "Communication and Social Media" with Deborah How

    • Transcript (PDF): "Communication and Social Media" with Deborah How

    • Handout: "Communication and Social Media" Powerpoint Slides (downloadable PDF)

    • Web Exploration Assignment: Social Media Networking

    • Web Exploration Assignment: Social Media Networking - PDF version

    • Reflection Assignment: Update Your Social Media

    • Reflection Assignment : Update Your Social Media - PDF version

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    Module 10: Professional Development

    • Module Contents

    • Video 1: "Professional Development" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Professional Development" with Heather Smith

    • Web Exploration Assignment: Professional Associations

    • Web Exploration Assignment: Professional Associations

    • Handout: "Professional Development" Powerpoint Slides (downloadable PDF)

    • Video 2: "Community Arts Advocacy" with Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "Community Arts Advocacy" with Heather Smith

    • Reflection Assignment: Community Arts Advocacy Challenge

    • Reflection Assignment: Community Arts Advocacy Challenge - PDF version

    • Video 3: "The Importance of Volunteering" with Deborah How and Heather Smith

    • Transcript (PDF): "The Importance of Volunteering" with Deborah How and Heather Smith

    • Exit Survey