Course curriculum

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    Navigating the Course

    • How to use this course

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    Welcome to Developing Musical Skills in Young Pianists: Ideas from Music Learning Theory

    • Course Introduction

    • Welcome Survey

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    Session 1: Musical Skills and Development

    • Session Contents

    • Video Lecture: "Understanding & Guiding Children's Musical Development" with Dr. Sara Ernst and Dr. Wendy Valerio, Part 1

    • Video Lecture, Part 2: Stages of Musical Development

    • Video Lecture, Part 3: Building Blocks of Musical Skill

    • Video Lecture, Part 4: Structure of Activities

    • Transcript: "Understanding & Guiding Children's Musical Development" (complete) with Dr. Sara Ernst and Dr. Wendy Valerio(PDF)

    • Reading: "Beyond the Keys" by Edwin Gordon

    • Quiz on Musical Skills and Development

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    Session 2: Audiation Games

    • Session Contents

    • Video Demonstration: Audiation Games, Part 1 with Dr. Sara Ernst and Dr. Wendy Valerio

    • Video Demonstration: Audiation Games, Part 2

    • Video Demonstration: Audiation Games, Part 3

    • Video Demonstration: Audiation Games, Part 4

    • Video Demonstration: Audiation Games, Part 5

    • Transcript: Audiation Games (PDF)

    • References

    • Reflection Activity

    • Exit Survey